awenest Parent Podcast
Welcome to awenest Parent Podcast, the audio series where we dive deep into the real concerns of parents. Whether you're a first-time parent or seasoned pro, we know that raising kids comes with its challenges, questions, and moments of joy. From navigating toddler tantrums to managing health and skin concerns, we are here to provide insights, expert advice, and a community of support. A one-of-its kind podcast centered around Indian children and parents, the awenest Parent Podcast shares recommendations and tips customized to the Indian subcontinent and its unique challenges.
For feedback or questions, write to us at support@awenest.in
awenest Parent Podcast
What is wrong with fast fashion? featuring Dipna and Dipti from Love The World Today
Today Tania & Kinshuk from the Sustainably Yours team meet Dipna and Dipti, founders of the ethical fashion brand Love The World Today.
Love The World Today started as a fashion blog. Overtime, it has evolved into a sustainable clothing brand for children that is 100% designed and made in India.
Dipna and Dipti are sisters - and though their career paths have been different, they connected on this common cause. In this episode, they share their story of
- why India needed this brand?
- what is wrong with fast fashion?
- what steps have they taken to ensure that Love The World Today stays sustainable
- their ideas on how can sustainable fashion be made available in India
and a lot more.