awenest Parent Podcast
Welcome to awenest Parent Podcast, the audio series where we dive deep into the real concerns of parents. Whether you're a first-time parent or seasoned pro, we know that raising kids comes with its challenges, questions, and moments of joy. From navigating toddler tantrums to managing health and skin concerns, we are here to provide insights, expert advice, and a community of support. A one-of-its kind podcast centered around Indian children and parents, the awenest Parent Podcast shares recommendations and tips customized to the Indian subcontinent and its unique challenges.
For feedback or questions, write to us at support@awenest.in
awenest Parent Podcast
Satellite Data and its massive application: In conversation with Nikit of Tathya.earth
Today the Sustainably Yours team speaks to Nikit on the usage of satellite data for making the world a sustainable place.
Nikit is the founder of Tathya.Earth - a start up focusing on the real time monitoring of global supply chain and its impact on the environment.
What will you learn from this episode?
How is satellite data important and what are the potential applications?
How is Tathya.Earth using the data to make accurate observations?
What more is happening in the satellite data space in India?
.. and a lot more!