awenest Parent Podcast
Welcome to awenest Parent Podcast, the audio series where we dive deep into the real concerns of parents. Whether you're a first-time parent or seasoned pro, we know that raising kids comes with its challenges, questions, and moments of joy. From navigating toddler tantrums to managing health and skin concerns, we are here to provide insights, expert advice, and a community of support. A one-of-its kind podcast centered around Indian children and parents, the awenest Parent Podcast shares recommendations and tips customized to the Indian subcontinent and its unique challenges.
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awenest Parent Podcast
water from thin air - featuring Swapnil Shrivastav, founder of Uravu labs
In this episode, Tania and Kinshuk meet Swapnil Shrivastav. He is the founder and CEO of Uravu labs, a company working on extracting water from air.
Water from thin air - wouldn't that be something? Swapnil explains in meticulous detail the technology, its benefits and applications.